The Revelation Effect With 3 Cool Bonus Tricks

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Art of Card Throwing by Rick Smith

Posted By: madara ouchiha - 4:32 AM


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The Art of Card Throwing by Rick Smith For Free

On this fascinating DVD, Rick teaches you how to spice up your magic by throwing cards for distance, speed and accuracy - slicing vegetables and even toppling a metal pyramid of soda cans. In addition to comprehensive instruction on his card throwing prowess, Rick also demonstrates and teaches numerous card flourishes and stunts, including eye-popping displays of card spinning, flicking and kicking. 

Complete contents include: 

Card Throwing - Speed, distance and accuracy; throwing techniques, grips, stances, warm-ups and multiple card throws. 

Card Throwing Stunts - Slicing celery and knocking down soda cans. 

Card Flourishes & Stunts - Flick & catch behind the back; flick & catch in the center of the deck; flicking cards from the top and center of the deck; rapid fire flicking; thumb shooting; finger shooting; overhand shooting; flick tricks; fire flicking; back flicks; flick productions; card kicking; boomeranging cards; pop-up card productions; cross-over cards and much, much more! 

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